LineRate is designed to be easy to use, while still making the models flexible. To accomplish this, we have created the linerate.model-module, which defines the abstract ThermalModel class – a common interface for thermal rating models, which can compute the heat balance, the thermal rating and the steady-state conductor temperature.

A ThermalModel needs to contain all information about the conductor, span and weather. To make this easy, we have the linerate.types-module, which defines several dataclasses that can keep track of this information.

While the ThermalModel interface makes it easy to compute the ampacity of lines, the class itself does not perform perform any advanced mathematical computations. All physical relationships are implemented in the linerate.equations-module. The functions in this module represent one (or sometimes more) function(s) from an academic source (e.g. a technical report) with detailed information about how the code maps to the equations. The job of the ThermalModel is, therefore, to keep track of which functions to call, in which order and what input they require.